Wow, Neptune! Wow!! ~ 29 Sep 2022

Last week an image surfaced of Neptune, his dramatic rings, and several of his moons courtesy of the Webb Telescope. The photograph stuns. “Wow, Neptune! Wow!!

Does this look like a Piscean picture or what? The Sun is non distinct and pixilated, certainly not the clearest solar portrait. Meanwhile, more clear than ever before the rings of Neptune are unmistakable and wow-worthy. Several of Neptune’s moons: Despina, Larissa and Proteus appear in the image confirming their existence. The shimmering iridescence of Neptune stuns the eyes and certainly stirs the unconscious! It’s as if the photograph predicts if the ego fades, inspiration can be found, harnessed and applied.


Of course, Neptune now cruises in deep water Pisces. Both the planet and sign are noted for inspiration, urging the unconscious forward such that conscious downloads can be conjured of fantastical imagery and captured for application in the real world.

On 28 October, Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces for a short curtain call of sorts. Just before the solstice rolls around (20 December) he returns to Aries. For about six weeks commencing around All Souls Day (Dia de los Muertos), Jupiter returns to jostle all things Neptune with his best Piscean role playing. Declares Jupiter from center stage, “If you want to make something out of this year, dig deep into your far-reaching thoughts and ground the creativity contained in them, dammit! You’re not dead, so bring life to all the corners of your consciousness, especially the juicy, fecund low-hanging fruit overdue for picking.”

In slightly less than two months (23 November), Jupiter stations in Pisces, in a wide conjunction with Neptune. How wide? Six degrees and seven minutes separate the two. Given Jupiter’s long orb reach, this definitely counts as conjunction. So, what’s to be done during the escalation of the distracting holiday season? Carve out time for yourself to explore all visions, dreams - whether prone to daytime or nocturnal, hare brained ideas and figure out how to extract all the juice they have to offer.

Jupiter and Neptune co-rule Pisces. With these grand brothers aligning astrological awareness, who knows what more creativity and consciousness can be derived from their ruling tenure? Jupiter and Neptune know that staring at telescopic images of either of them can be uplifting, awe-inspiring and soulfully stirring. And taking the time to allow your mind to travel where it can and will may be equally rewarding.

It is interesting to note that all the gaseous giants in our solar system are now confirmed to have rings. Symbolically is this some sort of cosmic corset effect such that every valuable molecule of those planets can be corralled? Certainly, with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune joining Saturn’s mystery decoder ring club, the rings can no longer be perceived as limiting or confining. Containing and focusing, yes. And contained and focused for those who seek to hitch up fabulous concepts and ideas to the best applications of those visually grand planets.

Why is this all so important? For one thing, Neptune rules “other” realms of consciousness, including dreams. Soon, as in 2 October, the asteroid Psyche in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries.

We know Chiron seeks to heal, but there’s a bit of wounding in his process. No worries. Jupiter favors Chiron and works to absolve Chiron’s pain and elevate the centaur to proper cosmic status. Now Jupiter enjoys added assistance. With the slightest of reaches across the aisle, Jupiter and Neptune can join hands and whip up some healing mojo for the essence of Chiron in Aries. In a practical sense, this means, focus and dedicate attention to matters of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-affirmation. Delete any bombastic self declarations which do come off as... well, Neptune embellished... a bit on the side of bolstered beyond belief and reality.

We have recently been told by astronomers that Psyche is worth more than the economy of the entire planet... real world assets and cyber currency, too, no doubt. In her dreams she conjured her lover and could only enjoy him in that realm. People tracking the Psyche to Chiron opposition are not as limited to joy only in dreams. By intending to dream consciously to resolve thought blocks, liberate other realms of consciousness and working to apply all the wealth Psyche portends, dreams are inclined to speak more loudly than normal during the next turning of monthly calendar pages.

October starts with Psyche to Chiron and concludes with Jupiter returning to Pisces. Throughout this month, apply the inspiration of the stunning new portrait of Neptune. You don’t have to Google space photographs, but you could. Simply take a moment to look with a broader depth of field... more bandwidth, if you will... at every real world situation that crosses your path. Find the awe. Look for any beneficial mystery contained in the moment that does not appear at first glance. Go for the penetrating gaze that looks beneath the surface and reflect upon all that is viewed, all the while remaining cogent of the distorting properties of refraction. Consider incidence. Any moment that provides pause and pondering may be the inciting incident of what awe-inspiring action must be taken in the interest of aligning effort and intention with cosmic protocols.

Wow, Neptune! Wow!!

More soon.